Fundraiser for Pointer in distress
Fundraiser for Pointer in distress
The talented portraitist Amber Marie from England has created four different drawings of pointers.
They are in favor of pointers in need who have been rescued from the ” Pointer – friends ” and placed under its protection, sold as art prints in A4 and as a gift (glossy in A5).
Currently, the pointer friends engage themselves “very strongly on Cyprus for suspended adult’s pointers. In addition, for the many puppies in the animal shelters and killing stations, guessed in emergency which have hardly an opportunity on switching.
Beside Cyprus the present emphasis beside pointers living in Germany is, also pointers in Greece and Spain.
You now have the unique opportunity to benefit many pointers in distress, this gift and greeting cards and posters to purchase.
Please help and buy one of these exceptional products, so we can help further pointers in need.In a pack of 6 pieces gift cards are included that are individually foiled and provided with an envelope.
The costs are:
A4: 30 euros including shipping in Germany
Gift Cards:. 20 euros including shipping in Germany