- Zaki, the three legged Pointer with the cut-off back leg (1,5 years)
- Sophie, mentally disabled and just “special” (6 months)
- Max, almost blind & epileptic (appr. 3 years)
- Calea, thrown away like trash (appr. 7 years)
But as everybody can imagine, it is not only time, effort, love and personal sacrifices you have to give / make, it is especially money you will need to give them (sometimes a short, but) wonderful and liveable live. Most of them need expensive medications, vet care, sometimes intensive care, very good beddings, high quality food, and not forgetting at least some Euros for foster or forever homes or boarding houses to give them a safe and happy rest of their lives. So please help us and support our campaign for the Psychologically Affected, Disabled and Senior-Pointers to be able to help more of them in different countries. We will keep you updated on our work and will introduce some of the special Pointers under our wings on our homepage and facebook page soon. This is an ongoing fundraiser. The amount in the fundraiser is not really the amount which will be needed – the more money we raise, the more Pointers we can help – so please don’t focus on the amount. Give whatever you can and be willing to – it will make a big difference for some very lonely Pointer-Souls.