puppies in Cyprus
The helping of pointers in distress in our Association, whether locally or abroad, is very close to our heart. The placement of dogs from abroad into Germany is only a reaction and a short-term and direct help for the individual local dogs.
However with that the situation will not improve abroad. For long-lasting help one must start much earlier and with parallel work on various “fronts”.
The population of dogs must be reduced and unwanted offspring must be prevented, so that future puppy explosions like on Cyprus are reduced in the medium to long term.
Animal welfare means above all the local work: Political and interpersonal persuasion, education and very important castration programs.

female dog with her puppies
International studies have shown that the overpopulation of dogs and cats and therefore the related problem of strays especially in the southern countries can only be reduced effectively by consistent castrations. All the unwanted animals in shelters, pounds and on the streets… should be a monument to us and to remind us about the infinite quantity of unwanted births of dogs.

Constantinos Andreou
And right here we help specifically:
Together with our founding member, veterinarian Patrick Niederhofer from the animal health centre Dammstücken in Henstedt-Ulzburg near Hamburg, and our contract veterinarian in Cyprus, Constantinos Andreou from the VetCure clinic in Limassol, we carry out from now on periodical castrations in Cyprus. Our veterinarians work as volunteers and castrate / sterilize shelter dogs, stray dogs and dogs, which were taken from the streets and are in private foster homes waiting for their new home.

Patrick Niederhofer
In the future, we would like also to offer these campaigns to the private people of Cyprus, also here to bring it to their attention and to markedly reduce the unwanted breeding of privately held animals.
In carrying out this campaign there are of course costs – please support us and help us effectively to improve the situation in Cyprus.
Please send donations either via PayPal or transfer under the keyword “Kastrations-Programm” (castration program). We warmly thank you in advance for your help!
P.S.: Of course in our castration program we do not differentiate between the different breeds of dogs. Pointers will not be specifically castrated / sterilized, but all dogs and bitches that we can reach and manage in time.

pregnant dog in Cyprus