We are always more than happy to help and it is a 2-way help: We are trying no neutere and spay as many dogs as we can afford and at the same time, we are taking dogs and as well pregnant females in and trying to rehome them in wonderful families.
The last two weeks we were focussed with a new situation: Two females we took in were heavily pregnant and gave birth to 10 and 6 puppies. Unfortunately not all made it, so there were 8 and 5 left from Mary(lee) and Lara.
Today we are a bit shocked, as our setter mum WILMA gave birth to 4 puppies, who are very tiny and weak.
All this adds up to 17 newborn puppies and 3 lactating mummies, who don’t even have enough milk. It is and will be a huge challenge for everybody involved (2-legged and 4-legged), but we really cannot manage it without your help.
We have about 60 dogs under our wings / care at the moment, not included the newborns. Kennel fees, foster homes, food, vet expenses, other expenses for airport and vet runs etc. – just too hard for a small charity like us.
We would not ask, if it wouldn’t be necessary, but unfortunately it is. 🙁
Please help us to be able to still help more dogs in need and not to have to say “NO” if another emergency is brought to our attention.